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🔎 Creating a VM for fun - Part 1: ASM

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Custom VM assembly low-level reverse
mov al, 11
Table of Contents
Custom VM - This article is part of a series.
Part 1: This Article

To make things short, I saw How to write a virtual machine in order to hide your viruses and break your brain forever by @s01den published in tmp.out’s second edition. This new paper made me enjoy (once again) low-level. I wanted to know more about this abstract subject of “virtual machines” in reverse engineering, so I read it and started to implement my own VM in assembly!

You will find my code on my Github repo

Why assembly?

I wanted to understand everything I did during this process, and needed to stick with the lowest level I could, I will talk about the future of this project at the end of the post.

I was also already familiar with assembly, especially nasm for Linux, and wanted to test my knowledge.


Before staring to type very fast on my keyboard, I needed to put things on a paper, in order to have a clear overview of the project.

I had to answer a few questions:

  • What is an instruction?

    It’s like a function, or an alias to some code to execute

  • How does the CPU knows what to do with an instruction?

    The code an instruction represents is written for the CPU, so it is seamless

  • How can I make custom instructions?

    Just implemet some functions or code blocks, then map them to a custom “OPcode”

  • How can I make the CPU execute my custom instructions?

    Make a simple condition on the custom OPcode, and execute the code mapped to it



To (re)set registers, code is very straightforward and don’t really need explainations, right?

 2  push rbp
 3  mov rbp, rsp
 5  xor rax, rax
 6  xor rbx, rbx
 7  xor rcx, rcx
 8  xor rdx, rdx
 9  xor r8, r8
11  leave
12  ret


I decided to implement a very low amount of instructions, as I already plan to upgrade this project in the future. I only need a proof of concept before going big.

0x1mov a, bmov rbx, rcx
0x2push apush rbx
0x3add a, badd rbx, rcx
0x4jmp ajmp rbx

Yes, some very basic instructions.


The concept here is to compare rax, our opcode register and then call the corresponding function:

 1;; if opcode == 0x1:
 2;;   mov_a_b()
 3cmp rax, 0x1
 4je mov_a_b
 6cmp rax, 0x2
 7je push_a
 9cmp rax, 0x3
10je add_a_b
12;; and so on with every opcode
14call _exit ;; default if unrecognized opcode


In a future post I will cover how to improve this VM, especially using a fully emulated virtual memory, using C. 😎

Custom VM - This article is part of a series.
Part 1: This Article