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πŸ”Ž Creating a VM for fun - Part 2: C

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Custom VM c low-level reverse
mov al, 11
Table of Contents
Custom VM - This article is part of a series.
Part 2: This Article

This is the second part of my series about creating a custom virtual machine: part 1 - assembly VM.

The code is here:


Doing the PoC in assembly (see part 1) gave me enough information about how to create my own virtual machine, I got the basic concepts for such a subject, such as:

  • Parsing opcode
  • Emulating instruction
  • Use of virtual registers

It also showed me the limitations of this language, I needed a more sofisticated yet low level one, C was the perfect match πŸ₯΅.


I came with the following flow for the VM:

graph LR; A[Registers init] --> B[Emulate opcode] B --> C{Parsing} C -->|Good opcode| D[Exec instruction] C -->|Unknown opcode| E[Nothing happens] D --> F[Loop] E --> F[Loop] F --> B


Let’s break down how I created this VM.


In order to store information such as inputs or outputs, I needed some registers. These must be readable and writeable from anywhere in my program, I needed to make either a forbidden global variable, or create a local one which will be passed to the used functions. I went with the second solution, as it is less dirty, and I wanted to try my best by using pointers and C stuff.

I created a struct for my registers:

 1typedef struct Registers {
 2  // common operations registers
 3  int a, b, c, d;
 5  // array to work with when manipulating registers' indexes
 6  // each element will point to the address of the correspponding register
 7  // see `setup_registers()` for more details
 8  int *registers[4];
10  // flags are stored in one integer, using masks to extract them
11  // remainder, zero (cmp)
12  int flags;
13} Registers;

I started to work with only 4 registers a, b, c, d and one for the flags after instruction’s execution.

I also needed a way to (re)set the said registers to whatever I wanted, so I created this reset function:

 1/* Set all registers in the array in order to easyliy manupulate them
 2 * like: regs->registers[2] = 0x2a;
 3 * is the same as: regs->c = 0x2a;
 4 */
 5void setup_registers(Registers *regs) {
 6  // each element of the array points to the corresponding register's address
 7  regs->registers[0] = &regs->a;
 8  regs->registers[1] = &regs->b;
 9  regs->registers[2] = &regs->c;
10  regs->registers[3] = &regs->d;
13/* Just print the values
14 */
15void print_registers(Registers *regs) {
16  printf("=== Registers: ===\n");
17  printf("a: 0x%x\n", regs->a);
18  printf("b: 0x%x\n", regs->b);
19  printf("c: 0x%x\n", regs->c);
20  printf("d: 0x%x\n", regs->d);
21  printf("flags: 0x%x\n", regs->flags);
24/* Force the values of the registers to 0
25 */
26void reset_registers(Registers *regs) {
27  regs->a = 0;
28  regs->b = 0;
29  regs->c = 0;
30  regs->d = 0;
31  regs->flags = 0;


Emulating an instruction is very basic:

  1. Parse the input
  2. Detect the corresponding instruction
  3. Execute the instruction

But I wanted to do something a bit fancy here: instead of just make a big 0xswitch statement, I created a map, or more precisely an array of pointers of functions. Meaning that each entry of the array is a pointer, pointing to the corresponding function to call:

 1void emulate(Registers *regs, int shellcode) {
 2  // parsing the input to extract only the opcode
 3  int opcode = (shellcode & 0xff000000) >> 0x18;
 5  // instructions is an array of pointers of function
 6  // each index points to the according function corresponding to the opcode
 7  // it is very easy to change the opcode for a certain function
 8  void (*instructions[10])(Registers *, int);
 9  // no opcode 0 defined for the moment
10  instructions[1] = my_mov;
11  instructions[2] = my_push;
12  instructions[3] = my_add;
13  instructions[4] = my_sub;
14  instructions[5] = my_jmp;
15  instructions[6] = my_cmp;
16  instructions[7] = my_call;
17  instructions[8] = my_exit;
18  instructions[9] = my_pop;
20  // code ommited for future spoilers
21  redacted();

Why this “crazy” stuff instead of the good old switch? You may ask. Well, for the sake of simplicity, yes, s i m p l i c i t y, I used this strategy for a good reason:

1// calling the corresponding function only takes 1 line of code,
2// and no processing at all: no if, nor loop
3(*instructions[opcode])(regs, shellcode);

Then each function, such as my_mov and so, do the wanted behaviour of the corresponding instruction, for example:

 1/* Moves the value into the register
 2 * value is either a register or a plain hex integer
 3 */
 4void my_mov(Registers *regs, int shellcode) {
 5  int is_reg1 = (shellcode & 0x00f00000) >> 0x14;
 6  if (is_reg1 == 0x1) {
 7    // get index of target reg
 8    int target_reg = (shellcode & 0x000f0000) >> 0x10;
 9    // get value to mov
10    int is_reg2 = (shellcode & 0x0000f000) >> 0xc;
11    // get moved value
12    int value = (shellcode & 0x00000fff);
13    // if source is a register and not a value
14    if (is_reg2 == 0x1) {
15      int source_reg = value >> 0x8;
16      value = *regs->registers[source_reg];
17    }
19    // finally, move the value into the register
20    *regs->registers[target_reg] = value;
22  } else {
23    except("Invalid value for mov (arg a is not a register)");
24  }

Which leads to my next subject: parsing.


Yes, I did not mentionned how my instructions are encoded and how to parse them. See the following scheme to understand my way of crafting one instruction:


This instruction (0x1100045) is a mov a, 0x45. Yes this is a bit silly but here is an another scheme in order to better explain my way of encoding my instructions:

graph LR; A[opcode] --> B[isReg1] B -->|==1| C[value1, index of register] B -->|==0| D[value1, plain hex] C --> E[isReg2] D --> E E -->|==1| F[value2, index of register] E -->|==0| G[value2, plain hex, left 0-padded]

And here is the size of each portion of the instruction:

  • opcode: word
  • isReg1: byte
  • value1: byte if isReg1 == 1, any size else (depends on the instruction)
  • isReg2: byte
  • value2: byte if isReg2 == 1, any size else (depends on the instruction)

I made the choice to use a constant-sized instruction set, to help me parsing each one, instead of having to hardcode every variant that a variable-length instruction set would require.

Once this logic has been declared, there was one thing left to do: actually parsing the instructions. In fact, as you may have noticed in my instruction functions (my_mov() my_add()...), I used binary masking and shifting like so: (a && 0xff) >> 0x10.

Demo time

I used the following code:

 1int main(void) {
 2  // init the struct
 3  Registers regs;
 4  // setup the registers' array
 5  setup_registers(&regs);
 7  // set everything to 0
 8  reset_registers(&regs);
 9  print_registers(&regs);
11  // mov a, 0x45
12  emulate(&regs, 0x1100045);
13  print_registers(&regs);
15  // mov c, 0x2
16  emulate(&regs, 0x1120002);
17  print_registers(&regs);
19  // exit(a)
20  emulate(&regs, 0x8000000);
22  // yes, pointless return but it is for the personnal ethics
23  return 0;


Special thanks to:

  • Masterfox: for helping me debugging my issues with pointers and structs
  • Nofix: for helping me debugging my array of pointers of functions stuff
Custom VM - This article is part of a series.
Part 2: This Article


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