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🚀 TL;DR - What is the 'TL;DR' series?

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TL;DR storytelling tldr
mov al, 11
Table of Contents

So I came up with this basic concept: TL;DR. But what is it exactly?

The TL;DR series

The main idea is to share some knowledge in a quick and concise way, such as a RUMP but written on a file. It is like a writeup speedrunning-ish style of writting. And maybe because I am kind of lazy sometimes.

The goal here is to write small articles about a subject I like, a new technique learnt, or anything that is not worth a full and detailed article.

You will be able to get all TL;DR series with the tag tldr on every article I will publish in the future.

Have fun reading!

Have fun with Kazoo kid


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